Translating Your Products
Product information translation is manual. You can either translate in the Admin or with a CSV file. Certain things can be translated and others can not. This tutorial will guide you through this process.
What Can And Can Not Be Translated
What Can Be Translated
- Name
- URL Key
- Overview (short description)
- Description
- Images
- Custom Attributes (Type = Text, WYSIWYG or Yes/No)*
- Customization Titles and Select Options
- Bundle Item Titles
- Downloadable Item Titles
- SEO Meta Data
- Some 3rd Party Product Attributes
* Values for DropDown and Multi-Select attributes can be translated in Products>Attributes
What Can Not Be Translated
- Prices
- Inventory
- Categories
- Related Products
- Design Template*
* The Design Template itself can be translated in Edit My Design
Translating Product Information in the Admin
Step 1
Start by going to Products > Product List then clicking into a product.
You then change the Language view in the top right hand corner to the language that you want to add translations for.
What is "Default"?
Default is the Default Language as specified in Setup > Localization > Manage Languages. We call it "Default" because if your other languages do not have translations, it will fall-back and display the data from the "Default" language.
Step 2
Once a language is selected, the product edit screen will show you only the information that you have the ability to translate.
If you have a multi-language store, we highly recommend the translation of your product data. Specifically we recommend ensuring each product have the following information translated:
- Name
- URL Key
- Overview & Description
- SEO Meta Data
Furthermore, we highly recommend using our Multi-Language SEO Feature to further improve the reach of your store to your Multi-Language and/or Mult-National audience.
Importing Translations via CSV File
Any of the above product data can be translated with a CSV file. The format is the same as can be found in the Importing Products tutorial series but to translate a row, you must add the column header _store
The value for _store must be the "Language Code" found in Setup > Localization > Manage Languages
See below for sample CSV
Translation by Google
NOTE: This does not "Translate" your store and provides no SEO benefit.
If you do want your users to have a rudimentary way of translating your store, Google offers it's Language Selector as a widget that can by copy/pasted into an HTML Block in Edit My Design.
Updated 10 months ago