Split Orders (Split Products Into Different Orders)

This feature allows an order placed on the store-front to be split into multiple orders based on the value of a custom product attribute.

Enable Split Order

In Orders > Settings, enable the Split Order Feature.

Split Mode

Orders can be split based on the Split Mode selected. Additionally, backordered items can be split out into a separate Order.

  • Attribute will split the order by the attributes that demand it.
  • Customization will split customized products to their own order.
  • Per Order Line will split each order item into its own order.
  • Inventory Location will split the order by the Inventory Location supplying the product (if enabled).

Do Not Charge Split Order with Attribute Value


If split orders are placed with an online payment such as credit card, orders having items with the selected attribute values will not be charged.

While Split Mode is set to "Attribute" you can select attribute values that will not capture payment for the items being split off into their order.

Products with that attribute value set on them will be split into their own order, but credit card payment will not be authorized or captured!

This can also prevent the split orders from being invoiced!

Preventing Split Order from Auto-Invoicing

The split order created through this setting's attribute value will be given the Invoice Later payment method. Your Invoicing Automation rules can exclude that payment method, causing the split order to not get invoiced!

Split Backorder Items

You can split out Backorder Items into their own order.

  • Do Not Split Backorders will keep in-stock and backordered items in the same order.
  • Only if Order Can Be Split will split off backordered items if the order is already being split by the Split Mode.
  • Always Split Backorders will cause backordered items to always be split off into their own order.

Show Message If Order Will Be Split

You can decide where it is shown that the order will be split.

  • Do Not Show
  • Admin And Store Front will display the message to both.
  • Admin Only
  • Store Front Only

Only Split Shipment

When set to Yes, only Shipping rates will be calculated for each split quote. Only a single order will be created.

Set-up your "Split Order Attribute"

Utilizing Products > Attributes, you can set one attribute to be a "Split Order Attribute".

The attribute must be Type = Drop Down


You can configure Split Order settings for each Attribute Value

On each Value you can specify "Split Order Settings":

  • Send Email Copy To
  • Email Copy Method (BCC / Separate Email)
  • Email Template (if Separate)
  • Sender Email (if Separate)
  • Further Split Order if Item is Back-Ordered

What Happens Next

If an order on the store front-end is placed containing different values for the Split Order Attribute, the customer will be shown that their order has 2 order numbers in the Order Success screen. The orders will have the same order number but will have a -1, -2 etc... added to the end.

In the Admin, each order can be individually managed, invoiced, shipped, refunded etc...

Change Split Order Suffix

In Orders > Settings you can configure Split Order Numbers to user Letters as a suffix rather than numbers. This will make split orders have -A, -B, -C at the end of the Order number.