Set Up Tax and Shipping in the Google Shopping Feed
Both shipping and tax requirements depend on the feed target country, please read Submitting tax & shipping google docs to understand what the requirements are for your feed.
Tax Setup
For most of the countries, value added tax needs to be included in the price. This is needed on product pages as well as in the price field in the feed. Exception to this rule apply to US, Canada and India stores.
To see the up to date list of restrictions please read Google’s Tax Policy.
Including Tax in the Price (Non-US Feeds)
First make sure your product pages display the price including tax. You should check the setting under Admin > System > Configuration > Sales > Tax > Price Display Settings, should be set to Including Tax.
The feed has to be configured to follow it by setting the price and sale_price columns in the Columns Map to the appropriate Price and Sale Price directives, having the option Add Tax = Yes.
Explicit Tax Submission (US feeds)
Define tax information by setting it up in the Merchant Account. Under Settings > Tax define the same tax rules you have running on your store.
Another option to submit the tax is by creating a custom attribute on your products to hold tax information in google format, i.e. US:9 4114:8.75, than add the tax column to your feed under Columns Map and map it to the custom attribute you created.
Shipping Setup
Depending on the complexity of your store shipping definition, you can provide the rates to Google in multiple ways.
Basic Shipping Methods: flat_rate, table_rates, free_shipping
If your store is setup with one of those basic rates, you could include the shipping information in your feed by adding the shipping column to Columns Map and map it to the Shipping directive. Then turn ON the Shipping section in the feed configuration and set the desired methods and regions to be included. The feed will automatically compute the rates based on your shipping methods definitions in Zoey, and provide the feed with the appropriate Google shipping format.
To understand how this section can be configure, see Shipping guide.
If for any reason the rates do not come through properly, you can always define them in merchant center instead of providing them through the feed. See guide on Merchant account-level shipping.
Carrier Calculated Rates: UPS, DHS, FedEx
Those rates cannot be computed through the feed, and those need to be setup in the Merchant Account under Settings > Shipping. Please follow the guide on Merchant account-level shipping.
In order for account-level shipping rates to apply on your products, the feed should not include shipping, so make sure you have shipping tuned OFF under Shipping section of feed configuration.
Rates by Individual Product: i.e. Free Shipping Items
If your catalog includes a set of products that apply for free shipping, and the rest of the products have regular rates or carrier calculated rates, the setup has to be a defined both in your merchant account as well in your feed configuration as follows:
- Create a custom attribute for your products and call it for example custom_shipping_rate, then fill in your free shipping items with US::Free Shipping:0 USD, leaving this attribute blank for the other products.
- Map this custom_shipping_rate attribute to the shipping column in the Columns Map.
- Set the catalog wide rates in the Merchant Account, similar to how it's defined for carrier calculated rates, bullet 2.
- This setup has the following effect: the rates defined at bullet c) will apply for all products, but the ones having a value defined in the feed.
- Another option for setting catalog wide rates from bullet c), is when you have basic shipping methods defined in Zoey and you don't want to define them in the merchant center. For this case you could fill in the appropriate rates in the feed by setting a replace empty rule under Product Filters section to replace empty shipping values with ones computed through the Shipping directive.
Updated 10 months ago