FedEx (Federal Express)
The FedEx shipping method provides calculated rates based on shipping origin, total order weight, delivery method and package type.
Before You Begin:
You will need to have both a FedEx Account and a FedEx Web Services Account before you get started.
- In your Control Panel, go to Settings > Shipping Methods.
- If Federal Express is not shown, click on Add Shipping Method, choose the Federal Express box, and click Click the Add Shipping Methods bar that appears at the bottom of your page.
- Click on Configure next to the Federal Express section to view your configuration settings.
- Set Enabled for Checkout to Yes.
- Enter the title which will be shown during checkout. We recommend using "Federal Express" or "FedEx"
- Enter the following credentials you received from FedEx.
Account ID
Meter Number
As an important note: You will need your Production Password, not the user-account password used when logging into your account on
If you are using test credentials, set Sandbox Mode to Yes.
You will need to change this to No and enter your Live / Production credentials before your customers can use this.
- Next you will be filling out information based on your business's needs and practices.
Packages Request Type | Divide to equal weight (one request) (Recommended) Use origin weight (few requests) |
Packaging | Select the container type that you typically use to package orders |
Dropoff | Regular Pickup: If you have a high volume of shipments, it can be cost effective to make arrangements with FedEx for regular pickups. Request Courier: You must call and request a FedEx courier to pick-up shipments. Drop Box: You must drop off shipments at your nearby FedEx drop box. Business Service Center: You must drop off shipments at your local FedEx business service center. Station: You must drop off shipments at your local FedEx station. |
Weight Unit | Specify if your product weights are entered in Pounds or Kilograms |
Maximum Package Weight | Consult FedEx for their current shipping weight capacities. Shipments exceeding the specified maximum capacity will be excluded from the FedEx rate calculation process. |
Calculate Handling Fee | Fixed: Certain amount per order regardless of size. Percent: Percentage of the order total price. |
Handling Applied | Per Order: Charged once regardless of how many packages are sent for the order to be completed. Per Package: Charged based on how many packages will be used. |
Handling Fee | Enter either a fixed amount or percentage, depending on which you selected in the Calculate Handling Fee field. These values should only be a number. Do not include currency ($) or percentage (%) symbols. |
Residential Delivery | Based on what type of sales, choose: Yes: For B2C deliveries (business to consumer) No: For B2B deliveries (business to business) or if you need to use Ground Shipping. |
Allowed Methods | Select the methods of shipment that you will offer your customers. This depends on your FedEx account, the frequency and size of your shipments, and whether you allow international shipments. Select only the methods that your business is prepared to support. Keep in mind that offering a shopper too many shipping methods may slow slow down the checkout flow. |
Hub ID | Enter the FedEx Hub ID number that services your account. Obtain this number from FedEx. Contact FedEx Customer Support if you have questions about which HUB ID to sue for your account. |
Free Method | If you offer free shipping on orders that exceed established threshold values, specify the shipping method offered for free for those orders. Ground is the most common choice. |
Free Shipping with Minimum Order Amount | Enable or Disable the option to offer a free shipping method when orders exceed a specified threshold value. |
Minimum Order Amount for Free Shipping | Enter in the amount (without currency symbols) for how much a customer needs to spend before they are offered Free Shipping. |
Ship to Applicable Countries | Choose All to ship to any country FedEx serves or change to Specific Countries to restrict where items are sent with this method. |
Debug | Select Yes to log information that goes through this shipping method. This is typically used to collect diagnostic data if you are having problems with the FedEx shipping service. |
Sort Order | Set a numerical value for which order the FedEx shipping options appear on the checkout page. 0 will be listed first, then 1 and so forth. come first, then 1, then 2, and so forth. For example, if you want the FedEx shipping option listed above the UPS option, specify 0 here and 1 for the UPS Sort Order setting. |
Your products must have weights to calculate FedEx rates.
Finding FedEx Web Services Credentials
If you have not yet signed up for a account, sign up for one here.
When you register for the FedEx Web Services Account, you must provide the account number from your account.
To obtain your FedEx Web Services Credentials:
- Log into your FedEx account.
- Navigate to Web Services.
- Click step 4, Move to Production.
- Click on Obtain Production Key at the bottom of the Move to Production page.
- Accept the licensing agreement, and enter your contact info.
- Your Authentication Key (FedEx Key #) and Meter Number (FedExMeter #) are displayed at the bottom of the Confirmation page. You will also receive an email from FedEx containing other necessary information. Save your authentication key and confirmation email from FedEx in a secure location
Using Ground Shipping and Home (Residential) Delivery
You are not able to use Ground Shipping and Home Delivery simultaneously.
FedEx Home Delivery is faster than Ground Shipping, hence slightly more expensive. However, these two shipping options are not meant to work together.
You can find more information on the FedEx website or by reaching out to their Support Team directly.
Updated 6 months ago