Error: Duplicate Name Exists Error
Duplicate Name Exists Error
Action: create_item_from_product
This error appears when the integration is attempting to create a Product in QuickBooks Online. But the name it is trying to set on the new QuickBooks Online product is already taken.
The integration attempts to create that new QuickBooks Online product when it can't match the Zoey product based on your Product Lookup Settings.
The integration is failing to create the product because there is already a product in QuickBooks Online with that Name.
It is trying to create the product because it did not find one with the right SKU.
To resolve this, ensure that your Product SKUs match exactly in QuickBooks Online and Zoey.
Action: Create Customer From Account
This error appears when the integration is attempting to create a Customer in QuickBooks Online. But the name has already been taken.
This means however the Zoey Account and QuickBooks were linked is no longer valid. Causing the integration to attempt to create them as a new Customer. But since that Customer still exists in QuickBooks, the integration fails to create them.
To resolve this open the Account in Zoey and look at its QuickBooks tab. You'll need to manually enter the QuickBooks Customer ID which is found in the URL of the Customer within QuickBooks.
Then Save and your Zoey Account will be linked to the proper QuickBooks Customer.
Updated 4 months ago