Troubleshooting Stripe Webhooks


Stripe uses webhooks to notify Zoey when the ACH payment has completed.


Click Here for Stripe Webhooks Setup

Troubleshooting Stripe Webhooks

Here are some ways you can troubleshoot your Stripe Webhook. These can be used to help determine why the Zoey Invoice was not marked Paid by Stripe ACH.

Go to Developers > Webhooks to find your Webhook settings.

Resend a Webhook


If you have Payments that were captured through ACH, but the Invoice was not marked Paid in Zoey, you can try to resend the webhook manually.

  1. Go to your Customer in Stripe.
  2. Click on the Payment which didn't sync to Zoey.
  3. Scroll down to Events and Logs to look for the charge.succeeded event. Click on View Event Detail.
  4. A new tab will open to show Webhook Attempts. Click the three dots on the right to hit Resend.

Marking Zoey Invoice as Paid when Payment Collected in Stripe

In order for the Zoey Invoice to be marked Paid when you capture the payment in Stripe, you must add the following Webhook.

In your Stripe Dashboard, navigate to the Developers > Webhooks Screen. Open the existing endpoint or create a new one.

Add the payment_intent.succeeded event so that Zoey Invoices are marked paid when payment is captured in Stripe.