All Page/Template Types
Overview: Page or Template
A Page has content that is controlled mostly, if not completely within the Visual Design Editor. A Page can have a specific URL and SEO content. For example, the Homepage, About Us, Privacy Policy and Contact Us pages are all "Pages"
Templates, different from pages, have their content populated by other sections of the admin, such as Products, Categories, Blog Posts. A Template does not have a specific URL or SEO content. Instead, the URL is based on which Products, Categories or Blog Posts are assigned to the template. There is a "Default Template" that will be used when a Product, Category or Post do not have a specific template assigned.
Below you will see the different Page and Template Types that can be created
The Homepage is the page that will display when a user goes to your domain name (i.e. In the Zoey VDE, you can have multiple homepages, but only one can be published at any time. Unlike other Page types, the Homepage does not have its own URL.
CMS Page
An Information Page can be any page that is needed to convey information to your customers. This could be an About Us page, Contact Us, Store Locations, Privacy Policy, Shipping & Returns info etc... Information Pages can be translated and have their own URL (i.e /about-us).
Category Template
Category Templates can be assigned to different Product > Categories. Each theme has a "Default" template that is used for all categories that do not have a specific template assigned.
Product Template
Product Templates can be assigned to different Products. Each theme has a "Default" template that is used for all products that do not have a specific template assigned.
Blog Homepage
The Blog Homepage is the page that will display when a user goes to your blog URL (i.e. In the Zoey VDE, you can have multiple Blog Homepages, but only one can be published at any time. Unlike other Page types, the Blog Homepage does not have its own URL. Its URL is specified in Blog > Settings
Blog Post Template
Blog Post Templates can be assigned to different Blog > Posts. You can create a "Default" template that is used for all posts that do not have a specific template assigned.
My Account Page Template
The My Account Page Template allows you to modify the My Account Section used by logged-in users.
Order Success Page
The Order Success Page allows you to modify the page viewed by a user after they have successfully placed an order on your store.
Updated over 1 year ago