Error: Failed to create QuickBooks invoice for Order due to missing items.
Action: create_invoice_from_bill
Failed to create QuickBooks invoice for Order due to missing items.
This error appears when the integration fails to match a product in Zoey and QuickBooks Online. There are a few reasons you may be seeing this error:
The Zoey product SKU has changed since the order was placed
If a Product SKU is changed before an order syncs to QuickBooks Online, the integration may fail to find the Zoey Product because its SKU no longer matches what was added to the Order.
To resolve this, you will need to replace the Order, or change the SKU back.
The product SKUs are not matching between QuickBooks Online and Zoey
You may see this error reported alongside with Duplicate Name Exists Error.
Click here to resolve the Duplicate Name Exists Error
When two errors are reported at once, the first one is typically responsible for causing the second.
Updated about 1 month ago