Shipping Cost for Shipments
A Shipping Amount can be set on individual Shipments to track how much each individual Shipment cost to ship. This value can be displayed on the Shipment Grid, and will be exported in Shipment Exports.
You can use the Shipment Import to set this value when creating a Shipment.
If you are Invoicing your Order through the import of a Shipment, the Shipping Amount will be set on the Invoice.
The Shipping Amount on an Invoice will not be automatically set on the Shipments unless you are using Invoice & Ship or the Shipment Import.

When using Invoice & Ship to simultaneously Invoice and Ship the Order, the resulting Shipment will take the Shipping Amount set on the Invoice as its own cost.
Shipping Amount on Shipments Grid
The Shipping Amount associated with a Shipment can be displayed on the Shipment Grid by clicking the ⚙️ icon and then searching for Shipping Amount to add it to the Grid.
The Shipping Amount for each Shipment can be exported from the Orders > Shipments grid through Bulk Actions > Export Basic Shipping Data.

Updated 6 months ago