Net Terms
On a per Account basis, you can enable Net Terms for the customer's orders. Allowing you to set the time frame, credit limit, term details displayed at checkout, and discounts / fees.
On a per Account basis, you can enable Net Terms for the customer's orders. Allowing you to set the time frame, credit limit, term details displayed at checkout, and discounts / fees.
Net Terms live on the Invoice - Each Invoice for a Net Terms Order can have unique Terms Details and Due date.

- Enable Net Terms for specific Accounts
- Specify a Term of Net 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120 or Net%XNetY
- Create multiple invoices for an order with varying terms and due dates
- Set a Credit Limit for unpaid invoices using Net Terms
- View Net Terms Accounts and Net Term orders in their own Tabs in the Admin
- Print a Statement PDF containing Net Terms balances for an Account's invoices
- Customers can view the status of their Net Term accounts and print invoices
- Orders can be paid for manually via check, cash, wire transfer and the Zoey Admin can then mark the Order as Paid by creating an Invoice for the Order. Or customers may pay via Credit Card or ACH by setting up Invoicing Automation.
- Net Terms Orders can be disabled when there are past due Invoices.
- Terms and Due Date can be edited on existing invoices.
Enabling Net Terms

Step 1: Enable Net Terms
In Accounts > Accounts List select an Account > Edit > Net Terms > Enabled = Yes.
Step 2: Configure Net Terms for this Account
Then in the Edit Net Terms tab, specify the Term, Credit Limit and Term Details. You may also disable Net Terms when orders are past due.
The term (i.e. Net30) is the amount of time the Account will have to pay the order before it is marked as Past Due.
Net%XNetY Discounted Terms
Enter Term Days (i.e. 30), Discount Within days (i.e. 10), Discount Amount % (i.e. 2), and the Late Fee % (i.e. 3)

Credit Limit
The combined amount of unpaid orders this Account may have before they are blocked from placing further orders using Net Terms.
Term Details
Insert text to display to the customer in the Checkout and on Order Email/PDFs.
Use the following Variables to display specific information to the customer:
- [store_name] - Name of your store from Setup > Site Configuration
- [term_name] - Term setting (i.e. "Net30")
- [term_period] - Number of days from Term setting (i.e. "30")
- [store_phone] - Phone number from Setup > Site Configuration
- [customer_name] - Full name of the customer.
- [account_name] - Account name if checkout is associated with the account.
- [account_location_name] - Account Location name if checkout is associated with the account location.
[store_name] has offered you payment terms of [term_name]. Payment is due within [term_period] days for this order, after-which interest may be due. Invoices may be paid via Check, Wire Transfer, Cash or Credit Card by calling customer support at [store_phone].
Disable Net Terms When Orders are Past Due
- Select 'Yes' to disable Net Terms Orders when there are past due Orders.
- The 'Default' can be set within Web Settings > Customer Settings > Net Terms.
Using Net Terms
Orders > Invoices List
The Invoices List will display each individual invoice. It is separated into three (3) tabs: Open, Paid, and Void.
Additional columns can be added to this list!
Click the small cog / gear to search for columns to add. To display net terms info, you can add the Net Terms, Is Past Due, and Due Date columns.

Accounts List > Net Terms Tab
The Accounts List has a Net Terms tab that will show all Accounts with Net Terms enabled. The Net Terms tab can not be edited or deleted. You will see the columns for the Account's Term, Credit Limit, Unpaid Balance, Account Status (Good Standing or Past Due), and the next (or past-due) Payment Due date.
You can also add the Net Terms columns to any tab using the columns menu and searching for Terms, Limit, Balance, Status and Payment Due.
Account Edit > Net Terms
In the Account Edit Screen's, Sales tab, manage their Orders placed using Net Terms. Using the three vertical dots and bulk actions you can View the Order, Print the Order or Export to a CSV.
Print a Statement PDF
Account Edit > Net Terms select Open and Past Due Orders. Using Bulk Actions you can Print the Statement PDF.
We have a guide for assigning Net Terms to your Accounts here!
Admin Orders List > Net Terms Tab
The Orders List has a Net Terms tab that will show all Net Terms Orders.
You will see the columns for the Order's Terms, Unpaid Balance, Term Status (Paid, Open or Past Due), and the Payment Due date. Past-Due Orders will be highlighted Red.
Collecting Payment for Open/Past Due Invoices
When an Order is placed using Net Terms, and the customer pays their invoice with an "offline" method like Cash, Check, Wire Transfer, the Zoey Admin will then need to mark the Invoice as Paid by clicking the "Invoice" button on the Order. Or you may set up Invoicing Automation to send bills to be paid online via Credit Card or ACH.
You can also add the Net Terms columns to any Order tab using the columns menu and searching for Terms, Balance, Term Status and Payment Due.
Net Terms Default Settings
Here in Web Settings > Customer Settings > Net Terms you can configure the default of the Net Terms being offered to your Accounts.

You can Disable Net Terms When Orders are Past Due or go a step further and Prevent All Orders From Past Due Accounts.
Set a Past Due Day Limit to decide how many days past due they can be before limiting orders.
Auto-Create Invoices with Order Submit
When set to Yes, invoices will be created automatically for Net Terms orders. Invoice creation can also be controlled by Invoicing Automation.
Due dates for Net Terms are set for each Invoice. Due dates are set based on the date the Invoice is created. We highly recommend using Invoice Automation to trigger creating Invoices at the correct time – either immediately when the order is placed, or after each shipment is created.
You can decide whether to Send Invoice Email when the invoice is created from the Net Terms setting above.
Default Net Terms Details can be edited for when Accounts or Customers place orders on your store.
The discount / fee applied for early / late payments can be added to the Grand Total or Subtotal in Default Net %/X NetY Calculation Total settings.
Customer Checkout (Net Term Payment)
If the Account has Net Terms enabled, when they checkout the Net Terms payment method will appear. Displaying them the Term Details and Available Credit.
The details of the customers Net Terms will also be shown on the Order Success page, in the Order Emails, and PDF files.
My Account
When the customer is logged in, they'll be able to see the same Net Terms overview as the Admin in their My Account Dashboard. They can view/print orders.
Managing Account Net Terms via CSV/API
You can apply or edit Net Term settings on the customer account using the below CSV template:
- email - Required - this field tells the import which customer to apply the settings to
- net_terms_enabled - Yes or No
- net_term - Values include: net10, net25, net20, net30, net45, net60, net90, net120, and net_xy
- net_term_credit - This is the Credit Limit value. Can be formatted
- net_term_details - This is the Term Detail text displayed in the Checkout
Net%XNetY Columns
- account_net_term_xy_days - This is the term length, i.e. 30.
- account_net_term_xy_discount_days - This is the number of days to pay within to receive a discount, i.e. 10.
- account_net_term_xy_discount_amount - This is the discount percent for early payment.
Updated about 1 year ago