Shipment & Tracking Number Import


The Shipping and Tracking # importer allows you to export a file with "shippable" orders and use it as a template to create shipments and import tracking numbers.


  • Export a file with "shippable" orders
  • Import Shipments & Tracking Numbers for orders/items
  • Update Shipment item qty's and details
  • Ship orders partially (Ship only certain items from an order and not others)
  • Ability to allow/deny ability to ship items that have not been invoiced (payment captured)
  • Already imported orders/items will not be shipped again
  • Supports partial shipments - only shipped SKUs/Quantities get shipped
  • Once all items of an order have been shipped, the order status changes to "Complete"
  • "Pending" orders will have order status changed to Processing after shipments are imported.
  • Supports multiple tracking numbers per shipment and import
  • Groups items into shipments by tracking number
  • Specify whether or not to notify customer about shipment, including their tracking numbers
  • Add comments to the shipment
  • Specify if comment should be included in the customer email

Importing Shipments

Go to the Shipments Import by clicking the 📄 icon on your left-most navbar to pull out the full Import & Export Menu. Then click on Shipments.


You must enable the Shipment Importer/Exporter, before importing or exporting Shipments.

Click Here for Shipment Importer Settings


You can also use Zoey Data Mappers to automatically import your Shipments!

Click here to learn more about the Data Mapper Shipment Import.

Shipments Template

Shipments Import Column Headers

Copy the CSV column headers below and create an import file where every row is an Item being shipped:

Order NumberItem IDQty to ShipCarrierTitleTracking NumberCommentsEmail CustomerInclude Comments In EmailShipping Cost
100000012421FedExGround3484397862890My Shipping Comment1018.50

Shipment Import Columns Explained

Click Here for a full list of columns used by the Shipment Import/Export.

Order Number must be included on every row to tell the import which Order the item is being shipped for. Multiple Items will be included on the same Shipment based on on the Tracking Number. This is detailed in Shipment Generation below.

Item ID This is the unique ID assigned to the item in the order. It is not the product ID or the SKU. this field is essential for correctly generating the shipment. You can find the Item ID in the Items Ordered section of an Order. This value is also provided when Exporting Shippable Orders.

Qty to Ship is the quantity of each item being shipped. This quantity is set per item row and determines how many of the ordered items are included in the shipment.

The Carrier value will be used to select the right Shipment Tracking Carrier.

  • If you have custom carriers setup in Orders > Settings > Shipment Tracking, you must use the label for your custom carrier to set that Carrier on the Shipment.

The Title is the name of the method by which the order was shipped. This typically references the Carrier's method like "FedEx Ground Express" or "International Priority".

Tracking Number is used to set the shipment tracking number on your Shipment. See Shipment Generation below to read how the Tracking Number controls whether all items are included in the same shipment, or how items are shipped separately with unique tracking numbers.

Shipping Cost is optional. When you include a Shipping Cost on your import that amount will be set on the Shipment as an associated cost for that shipment.

  • The Shipping Cost will be set on the Invoice if you are creating an Invoice for this Shipment through the import.

Creating Invoices in your Shipment Import


You can choose whether to create Invoices, send the Invoice Email, mark Invoice as Paid, and send Payment Receipt email for the items being shipped.

Each of the Column Headers below can be added to your Shipment Import to control whether the Invoice or Payment is generated for the shipped items.

Create InvoiceSend InvoiceCreate PaymentSend Receipt

Create Invoice - When set to Yes, an invoice will be created for the items in the shipment. Must be set to Yes for the following options to be used.


The amount in your Shipping Cost column will be set on the Invoice as its Shipping Amount and combined to calculate the Grand Total.

Send Invoice - When set to Yes, the Invoice Email will be sent to the customer.

Create Payment - When set to Yes, the Invoice created will be marked Paid.

Send Receipt - When set to yes, the Paid Invoice will send the Payment Receipt email to the customer.

Update Shipment through CSV Import


You can use the Shipment Import Template to update the Carrier, Title, Shipping Amount, add more Tracking Numbers to existing Shipments! Simply include a Shipment Number column and each listed shipment will have its details updated by your import file.

For example:

Order NumberShipment NumberTracking NumberCarrierTitleShipping Cost

The data above could be imported to update an existing shipment. New tracking numbers would be added and the Shipping Amount would be set to $20.00 on SH1100000220.

Void Shipment through CSV Import


Shipments can be voided through the Admin or through a Shipment import! Use the columns below to void a shipment through import.

For example:

Order NumberShipment NumberStateVoid Reason
SO1100000916SH1100000220VoidVoided through CSV Import

Importing a CSV file with the columns above will cause the Shipment to be Voided. The items can then be included on a new Shipment.

Voiding a Shipment cannot be undone!

Importing your Shipment CSV

  1. Select the File to upload

  2. Click Upload File

  3. Click Test File

  1. If no errors are found, you can click Import.

Exporting Shippable Orders

You can click Export Orders to export all Shippable Orders, or by selecting specific orders to export.

What is a Shippable Order?

A Shippable Order is any order that can be shipped. This will exclude any orders that are canceled, complete, or processing where all items have already been shipped.

Specify which orders to export

You can also choose individual orders to export. Select the option from the Export dropdown and check-off which orders you would like to export. Then at the bottom of the list, click the "Export Orders" button.


Select which orders to export

Shipment CSV Export


The order export will give you a "Full" template for the import. Some columns are not required to Import but are added to the Export to make it easier to read.


First 9 columns of Shippable Order Export File

The template will have 1 row for each product within each order. If an order has multiple items (products) it will need multiple rows in the CSV.

All Shipment Import/Export Columns

The columns used in Importing or Exporting Shipments are detailed below:


Columns required for Imports are boldened below.

Order NumberThe order number for the item to be shipped. There will be 1 row for each item in the order. This structure must be kept for the import.

Order Shipping MethodShipping method selected by the customer for this order.

This column is simply in the spreadsheet for reference.
Item IDThis is the unique ID assigned to the item in the order. It is not the product ID or the SKU. this field is essential for correctly generating the shipment.

Item NameName of the product purchased
Item StatusThis is the status of the item in the order:
Invoiced: Qty ordered = Qty invoiced
Pending: No items shipped, invoiced, canceled, refunded nor backordered
Partial: Qty shipped and/or invoiced is greater than 1, but not equal to Qty ordered
Backordered: Qty ordered = Qty backordered
Mixed: When the item has been shipped but not invoiced - Note: May not appear in Export
Shipped: Qty ordered = Qty shipped - Note: May not appear in Export
Canceled: Qty ordered = Qty canceled - Note: May not appear in Export
Refunded: Qty ordered = Qty canceled - Note: May not appear in Export
Item SKUThe SKU of the product in the order.
Item Qty OrderedThe quantity of an item that has been ordered.
Item Qty InvoicedThe quantity of the item ordered that has been Invoiced.
Item Qty ShippedThe quantity of the item ordered that has been shipped already.
Qty to Ship The quantity of the item ordered that you want to ship (Qty may have already been shipped outside of Zoey. This is the Qty we want to now mark as shipped in Zoey.) - Required for generating the shipment. The value here can not be greater than the Item Qty Ordered subtracted by the Item Shipped values.

Carrier The “Carrier”. Options Below. - Required when adding a tracking number. Optional when NOT adding a tracking number:
FedEx, USPS, UPS, DHL, or Custom

TitleA title added to the tracking information (i.e. Standard Shipping - 5-7 days)
Tracking Number The carrier tracking number for that item that will be added to the shipment record. Multiple items can have the same Tracking number. See “Shipment Generation” documentation below about how Shipments for individual orders will be grouped by matching tracking numbers.

CommentsComments that can be added to the shipment. Comments by default will be public and emailed to the customer if the Email Customer field is set to 1.
Email Customer1 or 0 for Yes or No. This will trigger the configured New Shipment Email Template to be sent.
Include Comments In Email1 or 0 for Yes or No. This will include imported comments if the email is specified to be sent.
Create InvoiceYes/No value to create an Invoice for the Shipped Items.
Send InvoiceYes/No value to send Invoice Email.
Create PaymentYes/No value to create a Payment for the Shipped Items.
Send ReceiptYes/No value to send Payment Receipt Email.
Shipping CostNumerical value to set the Shipping Cost on the created Invoice. Create Invoice must be set to Yes for Shipping Cost to be applied to the generated Invoice.


Note: Non-shippable items will not be included in the Export.

This includes Virtual, Downloadable and Gift Card Products.

Bulk Shipment Import Settings

From the Shipment Import/Export Screen, go to Importer Settings > Click Here to go to the Importer settings.

Bulk Shipments Import Settings
EnabledYes or No
Invoice Shipment SettingsDo not allow uninvoiced Items to be shipped
Allow uninvoiced Items to be shipped.
Require Tracking Numbers In ImportYes or No

Shipment Generation

Shipments will be generated for items grouped by Tracking Number.

  • Example #1: if 2 items the same order have the same Tracking Number entered into the CSV, the import will generate 1 shipment record for that order which will contain the 2 items and 1 Tracking Number.
  • Example #2: If a single order has multiple items, each with their own unique tracking numbers entered into the CSV, the import will generate a unique shipment record for that order for each of the items. In this case the customer can receive multiple emails if “Email Customer” is set to “1” in the CSV for all item rows.
  • Through the import, one shipment can not have multiple tracking numbers.
  • By default, items that have not been invoiced, or have invoices that are not marked with the status “paid” will not be able to be shipped. This is to protect the administrator from shipping items they have not captured payment for. There will be a setting that will allow the merchant to override this check.
  • Tracking numbers can not be added to items that have already been shipped. It will simply skip that row in the CSV and continue.
  • If the import includes item quantities that have already been shipped, the shipment for those items will not be created.

Invoice Setting

By default, you will be restricted from importing shipments for items that have not been Invoiced (payment captured). This setting can be changed in:
Import > Shipments > Importer Settings


Comments from each row will be aggregated and put onto the Shipment record of its associated Tracking Number. These are not Order comments, but Shipping record comments. They will be emailed to the customer in the New Shipment Email template if “Email Customer” is set to “1” in the CSV for all item rows with comments.


Emails will be sent for the Shipment and Invoice if both are specified to be created in the CSV (“Qty to Ship” and “Qty to Invoice”). Only one email will be sent per record generated according to the rules in the Shipment Generation and Invoice Generation documentation above. If “Email Customer” is set to “1” (yes) for 1 row, but set to “0” (no) for another, and both rows will be aggregated into a single Invoice or Shipment record, the Email WILL be sent.

Order Statuses

Order Statuses will follow the general rules for Pending - Processing - Complete.

  • If the order has no invoices or shipments, the Order Status will be “Pending”.
  • If the Order is partially invoiced or shipped by the import, the Status will change to “Processing”.
  • If the Order is fully Invoiced or Shipped by the import (but not both), the Order Status will change to “Processing”.
  • If the Order is fully Invoiced and Shipped by the import, the Order Status will be changed to “Complete”.

Note: this does not take into account any custom order statuses created by the administrator.