AvaTax Logs and Troubleshooting

AvaTax Log

Click on Apps in your Control Panel to find AvaTax. Then click Manage next to AvaTax Log.

In the AvaTax Action Log you'll find a few types of logged actions. The most important type of log is GetTax.

GetTax Logs


GetTax logs will be useful for AvaTax Support to help you troubleshoot tax rates.

Within the GetTax log, there is a Request and a Response.

  • The Request is sent from Zoey to AvaTax.
  • The Response (or Result) contains the Tax Amount and other details sent by AvaTax.


Copy the Request and Result above and send them to AvaTax Support to give them the info they need to resolve your tax issue.

Transaction logging in Avalara

When your AvaTax Action is set to "Enable: calculate tax, submit data, and commit", your orders will be sent to AvaTax for the tax calculation. Orders will also be saved and committed to the Avalara Transactions.

In your AvaTax logs, the requests which are recorded as Transactions by Avalara are:

[DocType:GetTaxRequest:private] => SalesInvoice

If you are running into a problem where the Transactions are not recorded, open your AvaTax logs and look for any Errors. Take the log's Request and Result and provide it to Avalara Support.