Accounts by Orders Total


This report provides details about how many Orders are placed by an Account within the period, and the average subtotal.

Canceled orders are excluded from this report.

The columns included are:

  • Period
  • Account Name
  • Customer Group
  • Sales Reps
  • Number of Orders
  • Average Order Amount
  • Total Order Amount
Total Order Amount =Base Subtotal - Base Subtotal Canceled - Base Subtotal Refunded (Credit Memos) - Base Discount Amount - Base Canceled Discount Amount
Average Order Amount =Total Order Amount / Number of Orders

Running the Report

From your control panel, go to Reports > Customers and click on Manage next to the report field you want to run (Accounts by orders total).

Select Report Data (Filters)

  1. Select the From and To dates

  2. Show By (Day, Month, Year)

  3. If you have multiple store views (different languages) you can also select which store scope you want to run the report for. Simply click on the "All Websites" button in the top right of the page and select the scope.

Generate and Export Report

Click on Refresh to create the report: