Promotions FAQs

Can I give my customers referral codes?

You can create discount rules that require a coupon code to act as a referral code. Your customer can share the code for their discount to entice new business!

Simply create a discount rule for each customer referral code. New customers will use that code during checkout to get the discount.

Then you can run the Coupons Report to see the total number of orders placed with that code and their total value.

How to give a percentage discount up to a certain discounted amount?

If the discount rule logic would need to change at a certain item amount, you must use multiple discount rules in conjunction.

For example: 20% off, up to $500 total discount

  1. Rule to give 20% of the entire cart off. Condition would be Subtotal <= $2500 so that percentage off is given only up to the end total discount.
  2. Rule to give $500 flat discount off the cart. Condition would be Subtotal > $2500. This rule will apply when the cart is over the other discounts limit. It should give the customer the maximum of a $500 flat discount.

How can I give a discount to bring a group of items to the same price?

Discount Rules have a variety of ways to apply the discount. But it is not possible for multiple items to be reduced to the same price through a discount rule (unless those products are the same price to begin with).

A discount rule can make products free by giving a percentage or flat amount as a discount.

To set a specific special price of a product, you should use a Sale.

How to create a discount to give a product for free?

In Zoey, discounts rules are very specific. If you want to give a product for free, you must specify that exact SKU in the Actions qualification.

If multiple products are included in Actions, then both can be made free in the same cart by the same discount.

There are 3 different discount types to make a product free.

  1. Buy 5 Apples, get 2 free of the same SKU.
    Buy X Get Y Free (discount amount is Y) discounts each qualified products that meets the Discount Qty Step (Buy X) quantity threshold.
    The customer gets the discount on the same item they are purchasing.
  2. Buy $200 worth of any product, get 2 of a specific SKU for free.
    Percent of product price discount discounts all qualified items based on the Actions > Apply the rule only to cart items matching conditions. This allows you to set a different SKU to be free, but you must specify the exact SKU. If there are multiple SKUs being qualified then they all may be free in the same cart by the same discount.
  3. When conditions are met, product is automatically added to the cart.
    Buy X, get Y automatically added to cart
    Auto-Add Product to Cart (Matching QTY)
    Both add an item to the cart and can discount it to be free. The matching quantity option enables you to scale the free product quantity by the qualfying product purchase quantity.

Can my customer choose from a list of promotional products?

You can use Percent of product price discount to make multiple different products free. If you do, those items will all be free in the same cart.

If the customer should choose from 1 of 3 products to get for free, you must create a rule for each potentially free product and set Stop Further Rules Processing to Yes.


Stop Further Rules Processing and Combine with Catalog Sales Rules determine if the discount can be combined with other offers.