Shipping & Payment Method Restrictions
Allowed Methods: Restrictions for each Account and Account Location's Payments and Shipping Methods
You can set Global Method Restrictions in Settings > Method Restrictions. These restrictions will determine which Payment Methods and Shipping Methods all of your customers can select.
Each of your Accounts can override the Global Method Restrictions in favor of their own specific restrictions.
Open an Account and scroll down to their Account Options. There you can click edit and change "All Allowed" to No and select the allowed methods. Click here for more details on Account Allowed Methods.
Account level restrictions will override the default allowed methods.
Enable Global Method Restrictions
In Settings > Method Restrictions set "Enabled" to Yes.
Allow All Methods in Admin - When set to Yes, the restriction logic will not be applied while creating orders in the admin.
Allow All Methods in Mobile App - When set to Yes, the restriction logic will not be applied while creating orders in the mobile app.
Configure Methods
Under each available method, you can specify for that method:
- No Restrictions - This method will be available for all customers
- Admin / Mobile Only - The method will only be available to admins placing orders in the app or admin.
- Logged In Only - Only logged in customers will be able to use this method
- By Customer Group - This will enable a multi-select box where you can select one or multiple customer groups that will be able to use this method.
Shipping Methods and Payment Methods each have their own restriction options in Settings > Method Restrictions.
Account Specific Method Restrictions
Open an Account and scroll down to the Account Options section. There are three tiles within:
- Payment Methods
- Shipping Methods
- Invoice Payment Methods
In each tile you can click Edit to configure the Allowed Methods for the customers in that Account.
Payment Methods
By default, an Account is allowed to use the payment methods as determined by Global Method Restrictions.
Hover the tool-tip to view what default method restrictions are being applied. Or, click edit to set the allowed methods.
Shipping Methods
You can select which Shipping Methods an Account will be allowed to use.
Invoice Payment Methods
In this tile you can choose which Payment Methods will be available when customers at the Account go to pay their Invoice. Invoices can only be paid via online methods. But this lets you further restrict which customers have what options.
Account Method Restrictions override the defaults.
Some methods may be restricted from all customers. Allowing that method at the account level will override the global restriction.
Set Allowed Methods in Registration Form
In Web Settings > Customer Settings you can configure the Registration Forms customers use to get signed up.
You can set Default Allowed Methods for the customers signing up through any registration form.
Searching for Accounts by Method Restrictions
You can search for Accounts based on their Allowed Methods by using Filters.
Searching for Accounts with their own unique Method Restrictions
In your Accounts grid you can use Advanced Filters to display only those accounts which are using their own custom Method Restrictions.
The filter shown above will is comprised of the following logic:
Shipping Methods (shipping_methods)
Is Not Equal To
Payment Methods (payment_methods)
Is Not Equal To
Updated 11 days ago