Translating Your Login / Create Account / Forgot Password / Empty Cart Pages
Edit translations for your pages in:
Setup > Localization > Manage Languages > Edit Translations
Translations are Case Sensitive. Please enter them exactly as they are below.
The following phrases can be translated
//Login Page
* Log in
* If you have an account with us, please log in.
* Email Address
* Password
* Forgot Your Password?
* Create an Account
* This is a required field.
* Invalid login or password.
* Back to Login
//Create Account Page
* Create an Account
* Please enter the following information to create your account.
* First Name
* Last Name
* Confirm Password
* At least 8 characters
* Contains an uppercase letter
* Contains a lowercase letter
* Contains a number
* Contains a symbol
* Sign Up for Newsletter
* Register
* Back
//Forgot Password Page
* Forgot your password?
* Please enter your email address below. You will receive a link to reset your password.
* If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
//Reset Password Page
* Reset a Password
* Your password reset link has expired.
* Your password has been updated.
* Your Shopping Cart is Empty
* You have no items in your shopping cart.
* Click <a href="%s">here</a> to continue shopping.
* Your order has been received.
* Thank you for your purchase!
* Your order # is: %s.
* Your order total is: %s.
* You will receive an order confirmation email with details of your order and a link to track its progress.
* Click <a href="%s" onclick="'_blank'">here to print</a> a copy of your order confirmation.
* Continue Shopping
Updated over 1 year ago