Drafts in the Web Admin
Draft Creation
Step 1: In the top right corner of the Drafts List Page, click New Draft

Step 2: Customer or Guest
The next step will require you to select or create a new customer that the draft will be assigned to, or to continue creating a "Guest" draft.

Step 3: Build Your Draft
From here you can Add Products to your draft.

Reserved Order ID
If set, when this draft is submitted as an order it will use this order number. If not set, the resulting order will be given the next sequential Order ID.
Draft ID
The draft will automatically be assigned the next sequential Draft ID in the Drafts List.
Draft Name
Name your draft for easy identification. Naming, which is optional, makes it easier to manage multiple Drafts.
Visible to the Customer, available for all to view and edit in any Zoey platform, or Private, visible in the admin or Mobile App only, and not visible to the customer.
Created On
The date on which the draft was created.
Created By
The email address of the Customer, Sales Rep or Zoey Admin who created the draft.
Created From
The Zoey platform from where the draft originated.
This specifies the Language of the quote for PDF and Email translation purposes. (Will only show if your store has multiple languages.)
This specifies the currency for which the item prices and totals will display. (Will only show if your store has multiple currencies.)
Account Information
The Account or Customer assigned to a draft may be changed at any time. Click Change Customer / Account in the Account Information section to create a new customer or assign the quote to a different customer.
Comments can be used by both the Admin and Customer. You can communicate with the customer with comments, or post a Private Comment that does not show to the customer. You can copy the Comment over to the Order.

The Items section allows you to search and add products to the draft. Search all products, products from the customer's cart, or their recently ordered items or quick add via CSV. You can also quick-create a new product and add it to the draft.

If the customer has a saved Address, you can select it from the drop-down. Otherwise, you can enter the customer's billing and shipping address in this section. The information here is required for Shipping and Tax calculation. Save the Draft after updating the Address to enable Shipping Rate Calculation.
In this section, once your Draft has products and addresses saved to it, you can calculate shipping rates (or apply a custom shipping amount).
Totals are dynamically updated based on the item pricing, tax for those items and customer group, and discounts applied.

Save & Close: Save your work for later
Submit As Order: Convert the draft to an Order and delete the Draft
Submit As Quote: Convert the draft to a Quote and delete the Draft
Duplicate: Make a duplicate draft to edit or convert later.
Delete: Delete the Draft
View and Edit Drafts
Navigate to Orders > Drafts List.
- Set Reserve Order ID
- Change Draft Name
- Add Comments.
- Add or Change the Sales Rep
- Change Customer / Account
- Add or remove Products
- Edit product quantity.
Changing the Account / Customer
If you change a Customer with a different Customer Group, Customer Group Prices will update accordingly.
Print Drafts
From the Drafts List, check the box next to the Draft(s) you want to print. The go to Bulk Actions > Print.

You can also print one draft at a time by clicking on the gear icon to the right of the draft and selecting Print.

Updated about 1 year ago