Translating Your Checkout
Edit translations for your checkout in Web Settings > Translations > Edit Translations.
You can translate nearly any text in your storefront! Click here for a general guide on creating Translations.
Important Tips!
Translations are Case Sensitive. Please enter the original phrase exactly.
If a phrase is not found, simply type exactly as it is displayed on your store, and then click on "+Add Translation"
Checkout phrases for Translation
Copy the text below and paste it into your Original exactly as is. That text will be replaced with your Translation.
//Mini Cart
* %s Item(s) in Your Shopping Cart
* Updating Shopping Cart
* Your shopping cart has %s %s. <a href="%s">Learn more</a>.
* Close
* Cart Subtotal:
* Edit Cart
* Checkout
* You have no items in your shopping cart.
//Shopping Cart Page
* Shopping Cart
* Continue Shopping
* Checkout
* Checkout with Multiple Addresses
* Product
* Price
* Qty
* Excl. Tax
* Incl. Tax
* Subtotal
* discount applied
* Original Price
* Edit Item
//Error Messages
* %s was added to your shopping cart.
* The requested quantity for "%s" is not available.
* This product is not available in the requested quantity. %s of the items will be backordered.
* Not all products are available in the requested quantity
* Coupon code "%s" is not valid.
* Gift card code not found.
* Order Summary (%s %s) (Note: example translation: Information (%s Items))
* edit your cart
* Subtotal (Excl. Tax)
* Subtotal (Incl. Tax)
* Discount
* Apply Discount Code
* Discount Codes
* Enter discount code then click "Apply" or %sCancel%s.
* Apply
* Remove
* Apply Gift Card
* Gift Card
* Girt card code
* Enter gift card code then click "Apply" or %sCancel%s.
* Shipping
* Tax
* Grand Total
* Grand Total Excl. Tax
* Grand Total Incl. Tax
* Estimate Shipping & Tax
* Country
* State/Provence
* Zip/Postal Code
* Cancel
* Estimate
* Update Total
* Re-calculate
//Checkout Step Titles
* Sign In
* Shipping & Payment
* Place Order
* Billing Information
* Shipping Information
* Shipping Method
* Payment Information
* Order Review
//Checkout Sign-in
* Email Address
* Have an account? Click here to login.
* Checkout as guest.
* Create An Account?
* Enter your email address.
* Password
* Confirm Password
* Register And Continue
* Forgot your password?
* Continue As A Guest
* Continue
* Back
* Loading next step...
//Checkout Address Form
* First Name
* Last Name
* Telephone
* Address Line 1
* Address Line %s (Note: this covers Address Line 2, 3, 4 etc...)
* City
* State / Province / Region
* Zip/Postal Code
* Order Comment
* Ship to this address
* Ship to different address
* Use Billing Address
* Select a billing address from your address book or enter a new address.
* Select a shipping address from your address book or enter a new address.
* New Address
* Click here to add a new address
* Save in address book
//Checkout Order Review Step
* Billing Address
* Shipping Address
* Shipping Method
* Payment Method
* Edit
* Review the information below before placing your order.
* Send Check to
* Credit Card Number: xxxx-%s
* Credit Card Type: %s
* Expiration Date: %s/%s
* Name on the Card: %s
* Purchase Order Number: %s
//Checkout Error Messages
* No email was provided.
* No password was provided.
* Please provide a valid email address.
* An account with this email address already exists.
* Please make sure your passwords match.
* Invalid login or password.
* This is a required field.
* Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time. *(Note: this shows when there are no available shipping methods or rates)*
* Your order cannot be completed at this time as there is no shipping methods available for it. Please make necessary changes in your shipping address.
* No Payment Methods *(Note: this shows when there are no available payment methods)*
* Your order cannot be completed at this time as there is no payment methods available for it.
//Gift Options
* Add gift options.
* Gift options for Entire Order.
* Add gift options for the Entire Order
* Gift Options for Individual Items
* Add gift options for Individual Items
* From
* To
* Message
* You can leave this box blank if you do not wish to add a gift message for whole order.
* You can leave this box blank if you do not wish to add a gift message for the item.
* Item %d of %d
* %sWhat is PayPal%s
note: changing the text between the %s will maintain the link for the popup. Remove the %s to remove the link entirely
Example translation:
%sWhat is PayPal?%s -> You will be able to pay with your credit card even if you do not have a PayPal account. %sLearn More%s
Order Success
The Order Success Page will take translations from your Checkout Order Summary section. The Thank You message, Continue Shopping button and Order Success Review information can be translated from inside of your Visual Design Editor by following the instructions Here
Duplicate Translations
If you find your language already has a translation for some of the above phrases, edit the existing translation rather than adding a new one.
Updated 20 days ago