Order Delivery Date / Delivery Day Validation

Create a date picker for your customers to select their Delivery Date. Validate the date against specific Delivery Days on which Account may receive Orders. Only the chosen Delivery Days will be available on the date picker at checkout.


Delivery Date is an Order Attribute which can be validated against the Customer Group. Delivery Days are set days of the week at an Account or Location where an Order can be shipped or delivered.

The Delivery Date on the Order is validated against the Delivery Days on the Account or Location.

How to set up Delivery Day validation

Create an Order Attribute so that your customers may define the date they want the Order to be shipped or delivered.

In Orders > Attributes > Create New Attribute > Type = Date. Name the Attribute you want to display at checkout, i.e. Delivery Day or `Ship Date. Save to display more settings.


"Delivery Date" cannot be used as the name to create this order attribute;delivery_date is an internal code already being used in Zoey.

You may name it something else, like "Delivery Day," save so the code will be delivery_day, and then rename the Attribute to "Delivery Date."

Type must be Date, which has a day buffer, not Date / Time

Order Visibility: Select where you would like this attribute to display.

You may also set this to only be visible to specific Customer Groups.

Order Forms: Select whether or not this attribute selection is Required.

Checkout Location: Since this is a delivery/shipping attribute, it makes most sense to select Shipping Method.

Validation Rules

Here you may set a Minimum Day Buffer for the earliest an Order can be delivered or Shipped.

Leave blank for all Customer Groups or set different buffers for different Customer Groups.

You can also set Maximum Day Buffers.

Order Delivery Date with Delivery Days Validation

Set Account Delivery Days

In Customers > Accounts > Account Overview, click +Add Delivery Days.

Select the Account Delivery Days for when this account can receive Orders.

Next, select the Attribute To Validate With Delivery Days.


You must select Order Delivery Date the Attribute to Validate against.

Simply setting the days isn't enough. For Accounts that have delivery days, you must specify the Attribute to validate with. The reason for selecting the attribute here is because there can be multiple delivery date attributes, say if you need different date pickers for different reasons, or different customer groups with different validation.

When creating an Order, customers will be presented with this date picker at checkout, and only the defined Delivery Days will be available to select.

Set Location Delivery Days

You can set different delivery days per ship-to location, which will override what is set on the account. Edit or Add Ship To. Here you may select the delivery days for this specific location.

When set, the Location Delivery Days are validated against the Order Delivery Date.

Import Delivery Days via CSV

Easily add Delivery Days to Accounts and Locations using the Customers > Accounts Importer -with Import Behavior "Append".

The Template

Please use the Guide for instructions on what each column header means and required fields.

How To Use This Template

Please Save a Copy of this template below.
The Template will have 2 Tabs:

  • Guide - This tab will provide requirements and tips for each column in the template.
  • Blank Template - This tab will only contain the column headers for you to copy/paste your data into.


Click Here to Save A Copy Of This Account Delivery Days Import Template to your Google Drive

Or click here to download the Blank Template as CSV

Download as a CSV and use the Accounts Importer, Import Behavior =Append