ShipperHQ - No Shipment Methods Available
Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time.
The message above is displayed when no shipping rates are being provided for your Order.
To resolve this, you'll need to contact ShipperHQ to find out why the order is not eligible for any shipping rates.
ShipperHQ Log
The ShipperHQ log report can be found by opening your ShipperHQ settings and then scrolling to the bottom.
The log must be enabled before it will record rate requests and other API interactions.
Enable the log by clicking Edit log settings and setting Enabled to Yes.
Click View the current log report to view all recorded events.
Rate request and result logs can be provided to ShipperHQ support to help them identify why the order was not eligible for any shipping rates.
Custom Shipping Amount Workaround
Without a shipping method, the order cannot be placed. To get around this issue you can set a Custom Shipping Method amount within Zoey Admin.
Click Get Shipping Rates then click the Custom Shipping Method (SHQ) radio button.
You can then type in a Description, and a custom Price for shipping on this order.
A different shipping amount can be set on the Invoice after you've determined what that cost is.
Click here to see how the Shipping Amount is set on an Invoice.
Updated 8 months ago