Translating Net Terms Details


You can translate your default Net Terms details through Web Settings > Translations.

Your Original phrase would be copied exactly from the Default Account Net Terms Details within Web Settings > Customer Settings > Net Terms.

Learn how to make Translations here!

How To Translate Net Terms Default Details

  1. Start by copying your Default Net Terms Details from Web Settings > Customer Settings > Net Terms.

  2. We will be creating a Translation for the exact text displayed as the Net Terms details. Be sure to copy the text exactly as it is in the setting above.

  3. Go to Web Settings > Translations and click Edit Translations for one of your store languages.

  4. Paste your copied details into Translation Search, then click + Add translation.

  5. "1 Translation Currently Being Edited" will appear over 2 text boxes. One for your Original phrase and another for the Translation. Edit the Translation to set what is displayed to customers in this language.

  6. Save your changes and then check the front end of your store in that language!