Quick Order Forms
Quick order forms are used for building predefined lists of products that can be added to an Order or Quote in the Admin or Zoey Web theme.
The QOF can be configured to allow editing of the items and quantities added to cart through the list.
Step 1: Create a Quick Order Form
Navigate to Products > Quick Order Forms
To create a new form, fill out the following fields:

Name | The unique name for this form. Note: this is only used for administration purposes and does not show in your store. |
Active | Yes/No - if this form is enabled to show in your VDE and in your Store. |
Allow User to Add Rows | Yes/No - Do you want your customer to be able to add rows to this Quick Order Form. |
Allow User to Delete Rows | Yes/No - Do you want your customer to be able to delete rows from this Quick Order Form. |
Allow User to Change Qty | Yes/No - Do you want your customer to be able to change Qty values when using this Quick Order Form. |
Use Order Pad | Yes/No - The "Order Pad" also called the Copy/Paste field, allows users to Quick Order faster if they have their product SKUs in CSV format: SKU,qty |
Default Qty | 0-9999 - This field determines the qty value pre-filled into each row in this Quick Order Form (Unless otherwise specified by the Pre-Filled Products section).1 |
SKU Field Count | 0-99 - This field determines the number of blank fields that will show up by default in this Quick Order Form. |
Allowed Customer Groups | Leave blank to allow all customers to use, or select the specific customer groups that are allowed to use this form. |
Once this form is filled out, click "Save" then you can continue to Steps 2 or jump to Step 3 if your form does not require Preloaded SKUs.
Step 2: Add Preloaded SKUs (Optional)
Preloaded SKUs will show up in the Quick Order Form when the user views the page. You can specify a sort order and default quantity for them. If you have added a configurable product or a simple product with customizations you can "configure" the item.
To get started, use the search box to enter the Name or SKU of a product, or use the advanced dropdown to create a smart filter to load products. Once the search results are loaded, click the Add
button, or check off multiple products then click Add Selected
Added products will have a grey Added
button. You can click this grey button multiple times if you need to add multiple configurations (selections of Variations or Customizations) of the same product.
To more quickly add SKUs to the Preloaded SKU section, you can click the Quick Add By CSV
link in the Add Products screen. This will open a new screen that allows you to enter products in the CSV format SKU,qty
(one product per line)

Bulk Product Add window
Once you have finished adding products, please Save your form and continue to Step 3 below.
Not Supported At This Time
- We currently only support Simple, Configurable and Variation Product SKUs in the Preloaded SKUs section.
- We support all Customization types (drop-down, text, date/time etc...) with the exception of the "File Upload" type.
- Customers will only be able to add the SKUs of Simple or Variation products when using the Quick Order Form. The Configurator is only available for the Admin.
Step 3: Add Forms to Your Theme
Once your Form(s) are built in steps 1 and 2, you can now navigate to Theme and add the forms to a new or existing page. You will find the Quick Order Form block within the +Add Menu in the "Quick Order" section. Click or Drag & Drop to add a form to your page, then click "Edit Advanced Quick Order Form" to select a form that you created in step 1 and change the other design settings.
There are two kinds of Quick Order Form blocks!
- Multiple Quick Order Form In One
- Single Quick Order Form

Using Multiple Quick Order Form in One
The Multiple Quick Order Form in One element will let you choose multiple Quick Order Forms to be displayed dependent on the Customer Group of the Account viewing the page.
Accounts will see the all selected Quick Order Forms one after another. Each QOF can be selected and configured in the VDE (Visual Design Editor), shown below.
- Click Edit Multiple Quick Order Form In One

- Click Add Quick Order

- Select Quick Order Form and configure how that form will display.

- Hit Update to save the form. It will now be displayed to customers which meet the Customer Group restriction.
Repeat these steps to add multiple Quick Order Forms to your page.
Using Single Quick Order Form
A Single Quick Order form will only display one chosen QOF on the page.

Advanced Quick Order Form Block Settings
To learn how to create a new "CMS" page for your form, follow this tutorial:
Creating a New Page
To restrict a CMS page to specific customer groups, follow this tutorial
CMS Page Access Restriction
Remember to add a link to your quick order forms in your header and/or footer.
Restrict Quick Order Form to Customer Group
Quick Order Forms can be restricted to Allowed Customer Groups in the Quick Order Form's settings.

Restricted Quick Order Forms will not appear to customers who are not in the Allowed Customer Groups.
Updated 4 months ago