Creating an Order from the Admin


The Zoey Admin Order Create screen allows Admin Users (Staff Accounts) to place orders on behalf of customers.

How To Create An Order


Orders can also be created from the Account itself.

Open an Account and click Create Order. Then select the Contact at that Account who the order is being placed on behalf of.

1 - Click Create New Order

Click Create New Order from in the top right of the Orders List.

2 - Search for Account or Contact

The first screen you see allows you to select an existing customer, create a new customer, or continue to create a guest order where a customer account is not required.


Search by Contact or Account to select the customer placing the order.

In the search results you'll see each Contact and Account combination. Some contacts may be able to place orders for multiple accounts. Many accounts will have multiple contacts as well.

Be sure to select the right Contact and Account combination!


Continue As Guest

Continue As Guest will not require an email address, only a customer group. If no email address is entered, the customer will not receive any sales emails.

After clicking Continue As Guest you will have the option to select an existing customer or create customer if needed. After placing the order, it can later be assigned to a customer account by clicking "Change Customer" on the View Order screen.


You can change the Account, Contact or Account Location on an Order by clicking Change Customer

OPTIONAL STEP - Set Order ID, Language, and Currency

In the Information Section of the Order Create screen, you can specify a Language (Store) or Currency for the order. You can also set a custom Order ID by clicking Edit next to where it says "Generated Automatically".


Custom Order ID

The Custom Order ID will always begin with a number that references the Language selected. For your default language, the order will begin with a "1". For other languages: 2, 3, 4 etc...

The Custom Order ID field is Numeric Only (0-9) and must be a minimum of 9 numbers. You also may not use an order number that has previously been used.

Step 3 - Add Items

Use the Items section to search for and add products to the order. This section gives you access to quickly find products in the customer's cart, wishlist, and items they recently ordered. You can also search for all products, search using advanced filters or even quick-add by copy/pasting comma-separated values of SKU and Quantity.


Items Section

Clicking Add Products will open a "drawer" that can be used to search, select, configure and bulk-add products to the order. When you are finished adding products, click "Done" in the bottom right corner, the "X" in the top right corner, or just click back onto the left side of your screen to close the drawer.

Quick Add By CSV

Instead of selecting and configuring each product in the pull-out, you can click Quick Add By CSV to add products to the order by entering them as comma delimited data.

Enter a SKU, the quantity, and custom price deiminated by comma.

Each product being added should be on its own row.


When using Quick Add By CSV...

You do not have to supply the quantity and price. If a quantity is not included, the minimum quantity allowed in cart for the product will be added.

Step 4 - Edit/Manage Items

Once Products are added to your order, you can now manage or edit them. Apply custom prices, edit the configuration, update the quantity or even remove items from any discounts applied from promotion rules. There is a search bar to quickly find the product you wish to edit. And there is an Add Products link in the top-right corner of the Items section that will open the Add Products drawer.


After making edits, click Save Item Changes to update the order totals and save.

Changes to the Order Items are not confirmed until you hit Save Item Changes!

You can also Move To Cart, Move To Wishlist, or Remove the products from the order using the checkboxes and "Bulk Actions" or the Gear Icon on the far right of each item. If Gift Messaging for Individual Items is Enabled in Setup > Checkout Settings > Gift Messaging, the option to add a gift message will be available using the gear icon next to each item.

Unique in Order

On each row of your Admin Cart there is a checkbox called Unique in Order (also called Unique in Quote ).

Checking the box allows you to add another of the same product, without them being combined onto one row. This lets you set a custom price or apply discounts to specific quantities of an item.


Product Prices & Tax

Product Prices will be shown here according to the configuration specified in Setup > Tax > Tax Settings

Step 5 - Billing & Shipping Address

The Billing & Shipping Address section allows the selection of existing addresses from the customer address book, editing of those addresses or adding new addresses.

Step 6 - Shipping & Payment

Once the order has items and addresses you will be able to complete the Shipping & Payment for the order.

  • Available shipping methods will automatically update as you make changes to the items and addresses on the order.
  • Payment Methods will only be available after selecting a shipping method.

Once all required information, shipping, and payment methods are entered, the "Place Order" button will turn blue allowing you to submit the order.


Within the Information Section of your New Order screen, you can click to add and edit Comments. This gives you access to:

  • Customer Order Comments (Comments from the Customer)
  • Admin Order Comments (Can be Public or Private - not visible to the customer)


Learn more about Order Comments here.

will appear in the appropriate places in the Admin order Create screen. See below for examples of Order Attributes in the Billing Address, Shipping Address, Shipping Method and Payment Method sections.

Gift Messaging


Enable Gift Messaging

To show in the Admin Order Create Screen, Gift Messaging must be enabled in Setup > Checkout Settings > Gift Messages

The Order Gift Message can be added by clicking the "Add Gift Message" in the Shipping & Billing Address section.

Item Gift Messages can be added by clicking the Gear icon next to the product in the Items section.

Custom Shipping Amount

In the Shipping & Payment section, there is a shipping method that allows a custom shipping amount to

Discounts & Gift Cards

In the Shipping & Payment section, you can click the buttons to add Discounts and Gift Cards

Discount (coupon) codes can be added into the "Drawer" that opens up when clicking "Apply Discount Code".

Custom Discount Amount

Within this same drawer, you will see a checkbox for "Use Custom Discount". Using this interface you can apply a custom discount amount as -$ or -% (see below)

Order Attributes

Order Attributes will appear in the appropriate places in the Admin order Create screen. See below for examples of Order Attributes in the Billing Address, Shipping Address, Shipping Method and Payment Method sections.