Error: You do not have permission to set a value for element. Permission Errors with sending Zoey Orders to NetSuite
If you receive an error like the one below:
You do not have permissions to set a value for element [element] due to one of the following reasons: 1) The field is read-only; 2) An associated feature is disabled; 3) The field is available either when a record is created or updated, but not in both cases read on.
There are multiple scenarios when you see this error when trying to send Orders from Zoey to NetSuite.
The following is the partial list of reasons for the error and the recommended solution.
There is a field mapping in the Zoey NetSuite Configuration that is hidden in the default NetSuite Sales Order form. Resolve this by adding the the field to the default form in NetSuite.
The Zoey role doesn't have access to a custom item field on your template. Resolve this by contacting your NetSuite Administrator to add the appropriate permissions to the role.
There is a field mapping in the Zoey NetSuite Configuration and that field is marked as inactive. Resolve this by removing the custom field mapping from Zoey or marking the field as active in NetSuite.
There is a field mapping in the Zoey NetSuite Configuration that does not exist on the current NetSuite account. It could be a field in Sandbox was removed during a refresh, or does not exist on Production. Resolve this by reviewing the custom fields in your NetSuite instance.
There are one or more field mappings in the Zoey NetSuite Configuration that are read-only. Read-only fields cannot be updated. Resolve this by changing the field in NetSuite to be editable, or removing the mapping in Zoey.
Updated 12 months ago