Manage Assets: CSS, JavaScript, HTML Editor


Recommended For Advanced Users Only

Improper use of this tool can create visual problems in rendering your store.

Go to Theme. On the gear icon and select Manage Theme Assets.


Use the Settings Icon to find "Manage Theme Assets"

Zoey allows you to add custom CSS/Javascript/HTML that will load on every page or just some pages of your website.

This is useful for the following:

  • Advanced Design/CSS styling of a theme
  • Adding HTML, scripts or tracking pixels to all pages
  • Adding 3rd Party Javascript widgets (like pop-ups)
  • Implementing custom design features (for Advanced users & Developers only)

The Manage Asset is the gateway to CSS, FavIcon, HTML, Javascript, Logo and more

CSSGlobal (Override) CSS
JavascriptAdding Javascript (note, avoid HTML Script Tags)
FaviconBrowser tab icon
HTML HeadFor adding scripts or HTML snippets AKA "Head"
HTML Body StartFor adding scripts or HTML snippets AKA "Body"
HTML Body EndFor adding scripts or HTML snippets AKA "Footer" or "Foot"
LogoFor adding your Logo to your Theme

Add a Favicon

The favicon is a browser icon or logo on your website page tabs.

Click on Favicon > Edit Favicon to upload an image. We recommend the image be a 64 x 64px square and PNG file format.

Add Custom Font

Click on Add Asset >Upload a File. The file needs to be .woff. The corresponding font will be accessible in the Theme Fonts & Colors tool for assigning to global classes.

HTML Variables

Any variables in the Global HTML Variables can be used in an HTML type asset.

Restrictions / Things to Watch Out For

  • This tool does not give you access to the entire style-sheet for editing, only adding.
  • It does not give you access to PHP or Back-end Variables for use in JS snippets.
  • Zoey natively has jQuery and NoConflict loaded on the front-end. Adding external references to different versions of jQuery will result in critical issues.
  • The Zoey front-end currently still relies on PrototypeJS which uses $. If you are writing custom Javascript that uses jQuery, modify the code to call jQuery directly.
  • Snippets that look like this: are HTML. Do not paste snippets like this into the Javascript window. Add them to the HTML windows instead.