Customer Invoice Grid - My Invoices
My Invoices
A list of all of the Invoices that the customer has access to will appear in their My Invoices list.
The quick link can be added by editing your My Account page through the Theme VDE.

How Customers View an Invoice
Your customers will receive their invoices by email during the request for payment. Each invoice will contain the items, prices, and amounts that must be paid by the customer.
The customer's My Invoices page will show them all of the invoices that they have access to with details like Created Date, Order #, Amount Invoiced, its Due Date, and Status.
Customers can click on an Invoice to open it as a PDF in a new browser tab!
You can then download or print the Invoice PDF.
Navigating the Invoice PDF
- The Pay Now button can be clicked to open the Pay Now window where customers can make payment online.

- View Details will open up that product in your store.
Allow Customers to Download Invoices as CSV
You can allow customers to download the Basic Invoice Data as CSV file through their My Invoices list.
Go to Web Settings > Customer Settings > Permissions and set Allow Customers to Download Invoices as CSV to Yes.

Customers will then be able to select invoices from the list and use Bulk Actions to Download Invoices CSV or Print Invoices to PDF.

Updated about 1 month ago