Meta Data
Meta Data is the basic information of your site content and important for SEO. With the proper Meta Data your site, products and categories will be searchable and ranked higher.
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What is Meta Data
When you search for an item, information or a site on a search engine, Meta Data is not only what you see but also why your search terms yielded those results. If you Google "Zoey" you will see the below...

You can quickly see you have found what you were looking for. These are shown in the following order:
- Meta Title (also known as Page Name)
- Meta Description
Meta Titles
Meta titles, also known as page names, are shown not only on the search results but also in browser tabs once the customer is in your store. It's recommended to keep titles to 55 characters or less. This will help assure the full title is shown in search results. This should be short, unique and to the point, encouraging buyers that they have found exactly what they are looking for.
Moz, SEO experts, recommends using the following format:
Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword | Brand Name
If you sell high end vacation packages for example, this could be something along the lines of:
Maui Getaway - Luxury Resorts | Awesome Vacations
Moz also has a great article with more information on meta titles here: Title Tag
Meta Titles will be your Product, Category and Page Titles - the latter being for the Information Pages in Edit My Design.
Meta Descriptions
These are extremely important to keep unique and informational. It's the first look your customer has into your store and your products. You have 160 characters or less to catch the potential customer's attention and highlight the keywords they are looking for. The information that goes in here should be created around what a user may be searching for and will find in your store.
Example Meta Description:
"Best prices in Luxury Travel- Awesome Vacations has been serving customers since 1800. Lowest deals in the most exclusive resorts and customized tours."
Write an informational description and us the keywords customers are searching for. Don't use the same description as a blanket description across all products and categories, as it might result in these pages being marked as duplicate content or spam.
Unique short pitches on the product will help you showcase your pages across more searches as they use different keywords. We also recommend not using the information your manufacturer chose as a description or has otherwise supplied you. This content will be seen on other sites as well, which does not help set you apart from the crowd and supply new information.
Moz has a useful article on this if you'd like to look deeper: Meta Description
Meta Keywords
Meta keywords are considered to be outdated and most search engines ignore keywords as these have been overused by sites trying to get additional views for searches that have nothing to do with the page.
Meta keywords don't have an effect on your search engine ranking, and some suggest they give your competitors a quick look at the key items and markets you are targeting.
For that reason Zoey has discontinued Key Words settings.
Adding and Updating Meta Data in Zoey
There are three areas you will find to update this information: Products, Categories, and Information Pages.
Product Meta Data will be found on the individual products by going to Products > Product List and clicking on the item you wish to update. You will generally find this information under the Search Engine Preview of the product's navigation.
You'll find everything you need for this product - URL Key, Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords. This is easiest to do when you create the product, but you can always update via CSV after creation - this will also let you update the information for multiple products at once.

Category Meta Data will be found on any category by going to Products > Categories and selecting the category you wish to update. At the bottom of the category settings you will see the Search Engine Preview.
The Page Description for Information Pages in Edit My Design is the Meta Data for your pages. Click on the gear icon for that page and select Settings, for that page to access the Pa (Meta Title), and Meta Description as shown below.

Updated about 1 year ago