Syncing Customers and Products

Zoey will not "Sync" or "Pull Over" your QuickBooks Products and Customers. You will need to create the Accounts in Zoey and then map them to QBO counterparts:

Mapping Customers

Zoey will NOT pull over your QuickBooks Customers. Zoey Accounts will sync to QuickBooks Customers by matching the Zoey Account Name with the QuickBooks Customer "Display As" Name.


Zoey will create QuickBooks Customers & Sub-Customers if not matched

When an Invoice is being sent to QuickBooks, if the Customer does not exist in QuickBooks, Zoey will create the Customer and possibly a Sub-Customer.

  • Zoey Accounts will map to (or be created as) QuickBooks Customers AND the Zoey Customers that are assigned to an Account will map to (or be created as) QuickBooks Sub-Customers.
  • Stand-alone Zoey Customers will be mapped to (or be created as) QuickBooks Customers.

Customers FAQ:

  • Do I have to create customers for all my QuickBooks Customers? You SHOULD create a Zoey Account AND Contact for each Customer in QuickBooks that will have Orders created for them in Zoey. Otherwise you run the risk of Zoey unintentionally creating duplicate customers.
  • Why does Zoey create Sub-Customers for my existing Customers? Zoey's structure can have multiple contacts per account. To keep track of this, we create a Sub-Customer in QuickBooks mapped to the Contact. For accounting purposes, all Sub-Customer invoices will roll-up to the Customer.

Manually Linking Zoey Account to QuickBooks Customer ID

In the QuickBooks tab of the Account you will find a text box to enter the QuickBooks Customer ID into. This will be the new Customer that this Account will sync details to.

Details will be updated in QBO when the next Order is placed by this Account.

Mapping Products


Use the QuickBooks SKU as the Zoey SKU when importing your products into Zoey.

Zoey Products will map to QuickBooks Products by SKU. If your Zoey SKU is going to be different from the QuickBooks SKU, you can add a Zoey Custom Attribute for the QuickBooks SKU and use the Mapping configuration when going through the setup.


Zoey will create QuickBooks Products if not mapped

When an Invoice is being sent to QuickBooks, if the Product does not exist in QuickBooks, Zoey will create the Product.

Product Mapping FAQs

Does Zoey sync my product inventory and prices?

You must initially manage your inventory and prices in Zoey or with one of our file-based import/integrations. Products may then be synced from Zoey to create new products in QuickBooks, if they do not already exist. Once the products are in QuickBooks, then QuickBooks can update quantity and pricing in Zoey, twice an hour.

When Zoey creates a product, which inventory accounts does it assign to the product?

You can configure "Default Accounts" in the Zoey configuration settings, see below. Zoey has one default account for new products syncing to QuickBooks. Existing products in QuickBooks will use their assigned accounts when syncing Invoices.

Can I sync Bundled Product items to QuickBooks Online?

Yes, but the Bundle must be created in QBO first. If you want to have the bundle's sub-items listed in your QuickBooks Invoice, set You can set Create Bundle Sub-Items in QuickBooks to Yes.
Then set Bundle Sub-Items Price and QTY so that Zoey will set the price and quantity of each bundled item for the QBO Invoice.

What is the QuickBooks Product ID attribute?

When you import your product Prices or Inventory from QuickBooks to Zoey, the QuickBooks Product ID will be set as an attribute on the product. This enables you to check which Zoey product is linked to what Product ID in QuickBooks.