Emails and Notifications
You can set up your store email addresses, create and customize your email templates, and manage all email notification settings from within Settings > Emails.
Settings > Emails is a central location for managing all Email Templates and Settings for your store. You can edit:
- Email Logo
- "From" Email Addresses
- Email Header/Footers
- Customer Email Notifications (Welcome email, contact form etc...)
- Order Email Notifications (New Order, Shipment etc...)
- Quote Email Notifications (New Quote, Quote Update etc...)
- Product Email Notifications (Gift Cards etc...)
- Blog Email Notifications (New Comments etc...)
Other features include:
- Adding BCC Emails to each notification
- Adding "Variable" information from an order, customer or store (like Customer Name, or Order Number)
- Creating Email Templates for different customer groups
- Translating Emails
- Preview
- Sending a Test Email
Global Email Settings
The Global Settings section allows you to Enable/Disable email sending from your store, as well as setting a default logo and different "From" addresses for your email notifications. You can have up to 5 "From" email addresses, and which one is used can be specified per-email template in the sections below.
Email Header / Footer
The Header/Footer section allows you to edit the default Header and Footer for your email templates. By default the Header simply contains the logo from the "General Settings" section and the footer contains a simple Thank You.
You can click into the Header/Footer templates to make edits, translate or create multiple headers/footers for your different customer groups.
Editing Email Templates
When selecting an email template to edit, you will be presented with the following screen:
From here, you can edit:
- Template Name - This is for internal use only.
- Template Subject - what the customer will see as the subject line of the email notification.
- Customer Group(s) - Leave blank to be the default template for all customer groups.
- Email Sender - Select from the "From" emails set in the "General Settings" Section of Setup > Emails
- Email BCC List - Enter a comma-separated list of email addresses you would like BCC'd for that specific email template.
Template - You are given a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor to make simple text changes to your emails.
CLICK HERE for a more advanced guide on Editing Email Templates.
Emails and specific email clients may be very temperamental with changes above and beyond simple text edits to the email template. If you are planning to make more drastic edits, we recommend you test the email template by clicking "Send Test Email" or "Preview Email". Be aware that the previews may not show text which is hidden behind custom conditions.
If you feel you have done something wrong with an email template in the WYSIWYG, you can use the "Revert template to "default" HTML" link below the WYSIWYG field.
Additional Email Settings
Certain Email Notifications will have additional settings such as the ability to enable/disable specific notifications, to include product images in Order emails, or frequency to send the Abandoned Cart email.
New Order Email Template Settings
The "New Order" email template, and many others, has additional settings to control how the email works.
- Send to Contact - When set to Yes, the New Order email will be sent to the Contact / customer who placed the Order.
When set to No, the email would only be sent to Staff and those which are included as "Send Email To" recipients. - Force Send To BCC/CC - When set to Yes, the email will always be sent to all who are cc'd and bcc'd even if the customer should not receive the email. This will not overwrite the Enabled setting.
- If Order Shipping Method and If Order Payment Method are conditional settings which control whether the email is sent to addresses listed in "Send Email To". You can use this setting to notify certain email addresses of orders using certain payment or shipping methods.
There are even more settings which let you customize your emails and how they are sent! Check out each of them in the email template's settings.
Customer Group Specific Templates
To add an email notification template for a specific customer group, simply click the +Add Email Template link in the appropriate section of Setup > Emails (i.e. Orders). Then after selecting the email notification type, enter a unique customer group.
NOTE: If you specify a customer group on the only template for that particular notification (i.e. New Order), Zoey will automatically save the template as a new template for that specific customer group. This is to prevent having a notification type that does not have an email template.
Disabling an Email
How to disable an email.
- To disable an email from ever being sent, go to Settings > Emails.
- Find the email template you wish to disable and click on it.
- You could then set Enable to No. That will prevent this email from ever being sent.
Add Recipient to Email
Maybe you need to add recipients to emails referencing invoices, orders, or shipments
Those templates will contain the Send Order Email Copy To field for you to input additional recipient email addresses.
Translating Your Emails
If you have multiple languages enabled in Setup > Localization > Manage Languages, you will be able to translate your emails using the "Globe" icon at the top of the Edit Email screen.
Full List Of Email Notifications
- Contact Form
- Customer Registration Pending
- Forgot Password
- New Customer Approved
- New Pending Customer
- New account
- New account confirmation
- New account confirmed
- Newsletter subscription confirmation
- Newsletter subscription success
- Remind Password
- Share Wishlist
- Store Credit Balance Updated
- Abandoned Cart Email
- Credit Memo Update
- Invoice Update
- New Credit Memo
- New Invoice
- New Order
- New Pending Order Template
- New Shipment
- Order Update
- Payment Failed
- Pending Order Alert Template
- Pending Order Approved Template
- Shipment Update
- Company Quote Require Approval Template
- New Quote
- Quote Expiration
- Quote Reminder
- Quote Update
- Gift Card Recipient Email
- Product price alert (For Product Alerts 3rd Party App Only)
- Product stock alert (For Product Alerts 3rd Party App Only)
- Comment Submitted
Updated 6 months ago