Currency (changing or adding)
Zoey allows you to set up currencies for customers worldwide. Quickly change your primary currency and allow multiple currencies from around the world to meet the needs of your primary markets.
Zoey allows you to set up currencies for customers worldwide. Quickly change your primary currency and allow multiple currencies from around the world to meet the needs of your primary markets.
Currency Settings
To manage the currencies on your store, go to Settings > Currency.
Base Currency
This is the main currency used for payment transactions.
This currency is directly associated with the price of products entered throughout your settings. If you have more than one allowed currency, adjust the exchange rates from Set-up > Localization > Rates to ensure the currency selected on the front end displays an accurate price.
Default Display Currency
Choose the currency that will appear throughout the front end of your store by default.
Allowed Currency
Add any currencies you wish display prices for. If there's more than one allowed currency, customers will be able to select from a drop down that shows the price in the currency of their choice.
Allowing Multiple Currencies?
You may need to add a Currency Selector to your Theme Header. Open any page in the Theme Design Editor, and add the currency selector into your header using the +Add menu, drag & drop.
Restricting Customer Groups to Currencies
Each of your Accounts > Customer Groups can be restricted to only seeing certain currencies.
This setting can be imported via CSV. Click here to learn how.

Manage Rates & Symbols
Manage currency exchange rates and currency symbols by using the links in the Settings section of Settings > Currency

Manage Rates
Click on the Manage Rates link above. On the Manage Currency Rates page you will see your base currency set to "1.0000". Other allowed currencies will have a default exchange rate. You can import the latest rates from the Open Exchange service by clicking "Import". Or you can manually set exchange rates by editing the numbers for each currency and clicking "Save Currency Rate".

Edit Symbols
Click on the Edit Symbols link above. On the Manage Currency Symbols page you will see a default symbol for each currency. You can edit or change the symbol then click "Save Currency Symbol".

Advanced Options
Currency Options
There are several advanced options:
Frontend specific options
- Enabled for Frontend
When set to Yes, the currency options set below will be enabled for the storefront. - Exclude for checkout
When set to Yes, the currency options below will be ignored in checkout
Admin specific options
- Enabled for Admin
When set to Yes, the currency options set below will be enabled within Zoey Admin. - Enable for Inputs
When set to Yes, the currency options below will be enabled when inputting amounts.
Currency options (global)
- Display precision - Number of digits after the decimal point to display (if available)
- Minimum number of digits after the decimal point - Minimum number of digits to display (will fill in 0's)
- Cut Zero Decimals - Will change $9.00 to $9
- Symbol position - Before or after price for $9 or 9$
- Currency symbol use - Use Symbol or Short Name (i.e. USD) or Name (US Dollar)
- Replace Zero Price to - change $0.00 to "FREE"
Changing decimal precision may have consequential impacts to line-item pricing, due to rounding, and third party system totals may not match Zoey totals.
When syncing Invoices to other systems, if one is rounding to 2 decimals and the other is rounding to 4 decimals, Invoice totals may differ.
Scheduled Import Settings
By default Zoey is scheduled to import updated conversion rates once a day. You can edit that frequency or disable updates if you want to enter your own conversion rate.
Updated 4 months ago