Importing Configurable Products

Your SKUs can be grouped together as unique variations of the same product. For example:

The "Drip Coffee Machine" product (configurable) is a group of shippable SKUs because it comes in different Sizes and Colors (simple products), and no two SKUs have the same combination of Size and Color


Start Simple

We recommend importing only the essential information first, then adding more complex information by Updating Products via CSV file

Typically, your product data will not be setup to match the Zoey Import format. You will likely need to use Google Sheets or Excel to organize and define values that do not currently exist.

We are providing 2 options or strategies for building your catalog and importing it into Zoey. Review them both before starting and decide which may work best for you.

Option 1: 3-Step Approach

This strategy breaks down the data creation and import tasks into 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Building and Importing Variation SKUs (simple products)
    In this step you will focus on the shippable SKUs only. The import template will allow you to ensure the "Configurable Attributes" like Size and Color are appropriately listed for each product.
  • Step 2:Building and Importing Configurable Products
    This step gives you a simple template for creating the Configurable Products that may not currently exist in your product data as they are not shippable SKUs.
  • Step 3: Linking the Variations to their parent Configurable Product
    Finally, a 3rd template will allow you to link the simple products from step 1 to the configurable products from step 2.

Why would I use this strategy over a single step?

This is mostly user preference. Our Implementation Specialists use this method more frequently than the single-step method as it does a good job at compartmentalizing the tasks and makes it easier to review and spot-check for mistakes. This is also the preferred method for larger product catalogs.

The Template

The 3-Step Template has 3 "Guide" tabs and 3 "Blank Template" tabs. Use the Guide Tabs to learn what data is expected to go into which columns, as well as some tips and tricks. Use the other tabs for compiling your data.



Save A Copy Of This Template to your Google Drive

Zoey Product Import (Configurable 3-Step)

Option 2: 1-Step Approach

The single-step approach consolidates the three steps (Create Variation Products, Create Configurable Products, and Link Variations to Configurable Products) into a single sheet.

Why would I use this strategy over the 3-step method?

You might consider the 1-Step approach to be "Expert" mode, but that's not always the case. The 3-Step method is great when you are "converting" your data to match the Zoey Format. The 1-Step method is better if you're building the data from scratch. Sometimes people start with the 3-Step template when migrating their existing products into Zoey as it can be faster and easier, then they use the 1-Step for adding new products after they go-live.

The Template

The 1-Step Template has a "Guide" tab and a "Blank Template" tab. Use the Guide Tab to learn what data is expected to go into which columns, as well as some tips and tricks. Use the other tab for compiling your data.



Save A Copy Of This Template to your Google Drive

Zoey Product Import (Configurable 1-Step)


Variation Attribute Options Must Exist

In order for the import of variation options (i.e. Size = S,M,L etc...) the options themselves must exist in your Zoey Store prior to running the import.

Verify the options exist in Products>Attributes


Column HeaderDescription
A unique value to identify your product. No two products can share the same SKU.
_type Simple
nameThe name of your product. By default this will also define the URL key and cannot be longer than 60 characters.
short_descriptionA short description of your product found by the Add to Cart button.
descriptionA detailed description of your product.
variation attributes (i.e. size, color, etc...)Be sure your "Simple" products have appropriate options here (i.e. Blue + Small, Blue + Medium etc... see sample file above)
priceThe base price of the product, prior to any sales or discounts. (no symbols, i.e. 49.99)
status Enabled = 1
Disabled = 2
tax_class_id Not Taxable/ None = 0
Taxable = 2
visibilityHow your customers can find this product.
Catalog and Search = 4
Search Only = 3
Catalog Only = 2
Not Visible Individually = 1
weightThe weight of your product expressed only as a number.
qtyConfigurable products do not need a Quantity
is_in_stock 1 = In Stock
0 = Out of Stock
Column HeaderDescriptionValues
use_child_price This is for Fixed or Custom Pricing. Custom pricing allows the product to take the price of it's variations.
Yes = Custom, No = Fixed
Blank CSV import defaults to Fixed.
use_child_manage_stock This is for Stock management. If you do not manage stock on this product, you can set the value to No. If you do, you can set it to Yes.Yes
use_child_weight This is for Fixed or Custom Weights. Fixed makes the product always take the weight on the configurable product.
Yes = Custom, No = Fixed.
Blank CSV import defaults to Fixed.

Import Your CSV File

From your control panel, go to Import & Export > Import Products


Use the following settings:

  • Entity Type = Products
  • Import Behavior = Append Complex Data

Then select your import file, click "Check Data" then run the import.


Re-Index & Refresh Required

Often after running imports you may need to Flush Cache and Re-Index (from the "Refresh" menu in the blue sidebar) to see your changes live. to see your changes live.